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Why Panic Bars Are Essential for Businesses

Panic bars (also known as push bars or crash bars) are a type of door opening mechanism that is used extensively by businesses all across Atlanta, Georgia. Depending on your building’s size, type, and area, the building codes governing its safety may require you to have functioning panic bars installed on all of your outward opening exit doors. But why are panic bars considering such a staple of commercial building safety and are they truly effective as they seem? This article aims to give you all the information you need on these important safety devices. 

The Basics & History of Panic Bars 

A panic bar is one of those things that you see many times during the course of your day but don’t usually think twice about. A panic bar is a flat metal bar affixed horizontally to the interior of commercial doors, which allow the door to swing open when depressed. Panic bars are commonly found on shopping mall doors, the doors of large office complexes, at medical facilities, and in schools, but they can be found on a large variety of commercial properties. Most people use panic bars all the time without ever knowing what they’re called or what their purpose is. 

The history that led to the development of panic bars is soaked in tragedy. Two of the most notable stand out. The first is the Victoria Hall stampede that led to the death of 183 children. In 1883 at the Victoria Hall, free toys were being offered which caused the excited crowd of 1000 children to stampede to the staircase. At the bottom of the stairs was a door that was bolted to ensure orderly procession through the door. The children at the bottom of the stairs were crushed, in the worst tragedy of its kind in the country’s history. 

The second major event that led to the creation of the panic bar was the Iroquois Theater fire in Chicago that occurred in 1903. When a fire started on the stage and rapidly spread, the occupants of the theater rushed to the exits. However, the doors were bolted with European style locks that no one was able to figure out how to operate. That caused over 600 people to perish during the fire. 

These events, among several others of a similar nature, led to the creation of an emergency device known as a panic bolt, a latch that opened when pressure was applied to it. Redesigns and refinements of this device over the years led to the development of today’s modern panic bars. 

Why Panic Bars Are Essential 

Panic bars haven’t become widespread just by accident. These simple pieces of hardware can greatly improve the safety of a commercial property during an emergency. All it takes to open the door during an emergency is a minimum amount of pressure. This can save precious seconds during a fire or another time-sensitive emergency when every moment is vital. 

During an emergency, people have a natural tendency to go into panic mode. Even the most level-headed person may lose their cool, especially if the situation is significantly distressing, such as when a fire breaks out. People will head immediately to the exits and any traffic backups caused by a difficulty getting out can increase this panic. The faster that traffic can move unimpeded through the exits, the more likely people are to remain calm and resist the urge to flee. 

Any building that has a significant maximum occupancy or sees regular foot traffic would undoubtedly benefit from panic bars if they do not already have them installed. Whether you own an office building, a restaurant, or another building in which many people are inside at one time, panic bars are an essential installation to optimize your building’s safety. They are a relatively inexpensive installation that’s quick to set up and effortless to use. Panic bars are always installed on the inside of outward-opening doors. 

Make sure to keep up with the local building codes and ordinances that apply to your Atlanta, GA commercial property. A locksmith or other security professional can help you navigate this process or answer any questions with the most up-to-date information and requirements. Panic bars are one crucial part of an overall focus on safety for commercial properties and should factor in to any business’s emergency plans. 

Panic bars aren’t a complete solution, of course, and it’s important to keep them in proper working order. Check your panic bars from time to time to make sure that they open the door without much force or any sticking. If one of your panic bars malfunctions or becomes damaged, it’s important to have it repaired or replaced by a security professional, such as a locksmith, as soon as possible. It’s not worth it to run the risk of the door not opening properly if an emergency does break out. 

Installation of Panic Bars & Bars & Another Emergency Hardware 

Installing panic bars on your commercial property’s exit doors is one of the best and most cost-effective ways you can increase your building’s security. Panic bars should be part of a comprehensive plan to keep you, your employees, and your customers as safe from harm as possible. While no one wants to dwell on the possibility of an emergency, by taking proactive measures to make your building as safe as possible, you’ll ensure the best possible outcome if the worst-case scenario becomes a reality. 

Some commercial property owners worry about a decrease in their building’s safety with easy opening exit doors, but panic bars are installed in a way that doesn’t affect the ability to open the door from the outside. They don’t make it any easier for someone to break into your building.

College Park Locksmith

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